
Rehabilitation and modernization of the river port of Garoua technical studies



In terms of infrastructure, the current port of Garoua consists mainly of two docks. A high water dock (120 ml + 75 ml) functioning during exceptional floods, as well as a low water dock (60 ml) functioning during normal high waters and is submerged during exceptional high waters.

The planned developments concerns two aspects:

  • Rehabilitation of existing works
  • The proposal of new developments within the framework of the diversification of the activity and the modernization of the port.

Rehabilitation concerns most of the existing structures (buildings, embankments, docks, waterways, various networks).

The new facilities include :

  • New docks that will be used for the development of trade, fishing, regular transport and cruise activities. The planned berths are as follows :
    • A station for multi-bulk trade with a 60 m breth
    • A fishing station with a 50 m breath
    • A passenger station with a 50 m berth.
  • A new docks access road to the port
  • New superstructures (harbor master's office, offices for companies, office and waiting room, cold rooms, garage and shops).

Our mission

Phase 1 : Etude Préliminaire
Phase 2 : Etude technique d’Avant-Projet Sommaire (APS)
Phase 3 : Etude technique d’Avant-Projet Détaillé (APD)